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Title Type Author
Some Failures & Studies with Lessons Learned - Buckling, Instability & CollapseWebinarWood. J
What Next? The Community ViewMagazine Article
The Response to COVID-19Magazine Article
Development of a numerical framework to predict railway ballast behaviousPresentationNader. F Pizette. P Govender. N Wilke. D N Ferellec. J F
Stratégie efficace de résolution en dynamique vibratoire non linéaire pour des structures assembléesPresentationRagueneau. Q Laurent. L Legay. A Larroque. T Crambuer. R Roy. N
HPC and EDF: a synergy between development and usePresentationBaudry. C
How CFD and Wind Tunnel have been used to design a STOL dronePresentation
Background to BenchmarksPublicationDavies. G Fenner. R Lewis. R
Finite Element Benchmarks for 2D Beams & Axi-symmetric Shells Involving Nonlinear Geometric BehaviourPublicationLyons. P Holsgrove. S
How To Choose A Finite Element Pre- And Post-ProcessorPublicationBaguley. D Hose. D