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BETA CAE Systems launches ANSERS, the web single point-of-truth for simulation and physical test data.

BETA CAE Systems launches ANSERS, the web single point-of-truth for simulation and physical test data.



ANSERS is a front-end web dashboard interface for accessing and combining engineering simulation and physical test data, granting an overall perspective, to accelerate effectively the engineering design evolution decision making.
It comes to handle the vast amounts of data generated by simulation and physical tests that engineers have to work with. ANSERS offers an easy, yet thorough way, for accessing, visualizing, correlating, and sharing simulation and physical test data, through elaborative, customizable, and automatically updated dashlets, built to suite the purpose in the web dashboard environment.

Discover ANSERS

With ANSERS, engineers can retrieve data from a variety of servers using simple filters that respect security restrictions, compare them, generate dynamic, and easy to customize dashboards, and share information effortlessly among stakeholders.

The single point-of-truth for your data
• Real-time and secure connection to a variety of simulation and physical test data servers.
• Comprehensive and customizable dashlets.
• In-depth comparison of simulation and physical test data.
• Always up-to-date project overview reports.
• Effortless data communication through direct dashboard sharing.

Why choose ANSERS

• Intuitive browsing interface.
• Effortless generation and update of dashlets.
• Rich panels library.
• Simple-to-use query interface.
• Out-of-the-box solution.
• NoNo client application is required.
• Continuous enhancement.
• High-quality technical support.

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