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Found 42 results, Showing Page 1 of 5

Title Type Author
Understanding Non-linear Finite Element Analysis Through Illustrative BenchmarksPublicationBecker. A
Two-Dimensional Test Cases in Post Yield Fracture MechanicsPublicationRemzi. E
Three Dimensional Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture MechanicsPublicationJudge. R Marsden. B
The Standard NAFEMS BenchmarksPublication
Shell Finite Element Evaluation TestsPublicationMorris. A
Selected Benchmarks for Material Non-linearity - Volume 1PublicationLinkens. D
Selected Benchmarks for Material Non-Linearity - Volume 2PublicationLinkens. D
Selected Benchmarks for Forced VibrationPublicationDawswell. D Maguire. J Gould. L
Review of Benchmark Problems for Non-Linear Material BehaviourPublication
Procedural Benchmarks for Common Fabrication Details in Plate/Shell StructuresPublicationWood. J