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Impact, Shock & Crash Working Group Members

Companies represented on the Impact, Shock & Crash Working Group are listed below:

  • Altair | Paul Sharp
  • Atkins | Andrew Rushton
  • AWE | Gurdip Kalsi
  • Collins Aerospace | Andy Elliott
  • Consultant | Rajeev Kurthakoti
  • F​ederation Internationale de l'Automobile | Paolo Panichelli
  • DJ Goode & Associates I David Ellis (Vice Chair), Paul Turner
  • Herbertus SL | Gino Duffett
  • Nuclear Transport Solutions| Andrew Cummings
  • Principia Engineering Consultancy | Javier Rodriguez
  • Queen Mary University of London | Tao Liu
  • Ramboll UK | Gayan Wijesundara
  • Simulated Solutions | Chris Brooks
  • Southwest Research Institute | Sidney Chocron
  • S​afran Aerosystems |Thomas Sevegrand