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Manufacturing Process Simulation

Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group

The NAFEMS Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group (MANWG) was launched in February 2016 with the following mission statement: 

‘to promote the development and use of virtual manufacturing tools within the product design and manufacturing cycle to improve outcomes in industrial manufacturing processes’.

The Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group has three Focus Groups, concentrating on Composites, Metallic Additive Manufacturing and Metals.

U​pcoming Meetings

November 20th 2024 - 'Special Event' - “Collaboration between NAFEMS Manufacturing and Data Science Groups – Activities Summary” - Duncan Putman (MANWG), Vladimir Balabanov (EDSWG Chair), Catherine Amodeo (EDSWG) & Aishwarya Ganesan

December 18th 2024 - A regular MANWG <> Focus Group activities <> New member presentation

About the Group

The group includes representatives of The Aerospace Corporation, Airbus, ANSYS, Boeing, Brunel University, Convergent, Dutton Simulation, Enginsoft, ESI, Grundfos, Manufacturing Technology Centre, National Composites Centre, Rolls Royce, SAFRAN, Southwest Research Institute, SWRIM, Tecnalia, Tesla, Transvalor S.A., TWI Ltd, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - CIMNE, University of Strathclyde/AFRC, Warwick University / WMG, Wilde Analysis.

The Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group aims to be a focal point for independent and reliable information on simulation capabilities and requirements, specifically by pursuing its goals of:

  • Increasing awareness of virtual manufacturing and its value in real-world manufacturing
  • Making virtual manufacturing tools wide-spread and effective in design and execution of manufacturing processes
  • Making virtual manufacturing tools more accurate, by proposing benchmarks
  • Sharing best practice (how-to guides) and promote the standardisation of modelling approaches and corresponding material characterisation tests
  • Making the use of virtual manufacturing tools more efficient
  • Becoming a hub for modellers to be well informed and interconnected concerning simulation matters
  • Facilitating innovation through the promotion and support of virtual manufacturing tools within academia, policy makers and throughout the manufacturing community

You can contact the Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group by emailing

Animation of an Axisymmetric Finite Element Simulation of the Multi-Pass Butt Fusion Welding of a Martensitic Steel Pipe

courtesy of the Manufacturing Technology Centre.

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the MANWG can be viewed below:

Current Activities

An outline of the group's remit and activities can be reviewed below:


If you would like to express an interest in becoming a member the MANWG, please complete this form.


  • MANWG Chair – Sjoerd VAN DER VEEN, Airbus Vice Chair – Anas Yaghi, TWI Ltd
  • Composites Focus Group Chair – Jonathan Belnoue, National Composites Centre
  • MANWG Metallic Additive Manufacturing Focus Group Chair – Sjoerd VAN DER VEEN, Airbus - interim
  • MANWG Metals Focus Group Chair – Anas Yaghi, TWI Ltd - interim


Sjoerd Van Der Veen

Anas Yaghi

MANWG Vice Chair

Anas Yaghi
T​WI (The Welding Institute) UK